






职务(研究中心内):中心联合创始人 (cofounder)






1. Yazhen Gong, Xiang Bi and Jian Wu, 2020.  Willingness to pay for the conservation of the endangered Red-crowned Crane in China: Roles of conservation attitudes and income. Forest Policy and Economics, 120(102296). SSCI (影响因子,3.139),第一作者

2. Jinghua Chen, Yazhen Gong, Shaoqiang Wang, Baozhu Guan, Juraj Balkovic, Florian Kraxner, 2019.  To Burn or Retain Crop Residues on Croplands?  An Integrated Analysis for Crop Residue Management in China.  Science of the Total Environment, 662,141–150. SCI /SSCI/EI (影响因子10.753), 通讯作者

3. Zihan Li, Yazhen Gong and Kevin Chen, 2019.  Energy use and rural poverty: Empirical evidence from potato farmers in Northern China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 11(2), 280-298. SSCI (影响因子1.050),通信作者

4. Kathy Baylis, Yazhen Gong and Shun Wang, 2018, Bridging vs. Bonding Social Capital and the Management of Common Pool Resources. Land Economics, 94(4), 614-631.   SSCI (影响因子,1.500),通信作者及平行作者

5. Zhaoyang Liu, Yazhen Gong and Andreas Kontoleon, 2018. How do Payments for Environmental Services Affect Land Tenure? Theory and Evidence from China.  Ecological Economics, 144, 195-213.  SCI/SSCI (影响因子3.895), 通信作者

6. Michael Bennet, Yazhen Gong and Ricardo Scarpa, 2018.  Eco-compensation for Coastal Wetlands Protection: A Choice Experiment Assessment of Community Co-management Options for China’s Jiangsu Yancheng Rare Bird National Nature Reserve.  Ecological Economics, 154, 71-87.  SCI/SSCI (影响因子3.895)

7. Yazhen Gong, Hao Li, Moon Parks, Jun Pang, Charlotte de Fraiture, 2018.  The role of social capital for farmers’ climate change adaptation in Lancang River basin in China.  Climatic Change, 149, 75-89. SCI/SSCI /EI (影响因子3.537). 第一及通信作者

8. Wang, Zhengzao, Yazhen Gong and Xianqiang Mao, 2018.  Exploring the Value of Overseas Biodiversity to Chinese Netizens based on Willingness to Pay for the African Elephants Protection.  Science of The Total Environment, 637-638, 600-608.  SCI (影响因子10.753), 通信作者

9. Wu, Jian, Yazhen Gong and Junjie Wu, 2018.  Spatial distribution of nature reserves in China: Driving forces in the past and conservation challenges in the future.  Land Use Policy, 77, 31-42.  SSCI (影响因子3.089), 通信作者.

10. Fragility of the provision of local public goods to private and collective risks(with Juan Cardenas, Manita Ale, Ram Bastakoti, Adriana Bernal, Juthathip Chalermphol, Hoon Shin, Ganesh Shivakoti, Yibo Wang and John Anderies), 2017. PNAS, 114 (5) 921-925

11. Yazhen Gong, Kathy Baylis, Robert Kozak and Gary Bull. Farmers’ risk preferences and pesticide use decisions: Evidence from field experiments in China. Agricultural Economics, 2016 47(4),411-421.(SSCI,影响因子1.732). 第一及通信作者

12. Maximilian Auffhammer and Yazhen Gong.  China’s carbon emissions from fossil fuels and market based opportunities for control.  Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2015 7(1), 11-34. (SSCI,影响因子1.026).


1. 2021-2025年,地下水超采综合冶理战略与管控策略,425万,“十四五”国家重点研发计划课题,课题主持人。

2. 2018年,我国水价形成机制研究,20万,中央事业单位项目,项目主持人。

3. 2018-2021, 居民采取雾霾防护措施的影响因素研究:基于调查和实验方法的实证分析,48万,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目主持人

4. 2017-2020,京津冀城市群碳排放监测,科技部重大科技专项子课题负责人,61万

5. 2016-2018,农户高效节水集体决策行为的研究。中国人民大学“明德品牌计划”研究项目,30万,项目主持人

6. 2013-2015,“农户参与、合作行为和灌溉水使用:基于中国农村的一组调查和实验数据”,中国国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,19万,项目主持人




2003-2009, 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)森林资源经济学专业,获博士学位

1999-2001, 菲律宾大学森林资源经济学专业,获硕士学位

1991-1995, 北京林业大学计划统计专业,获经济学学士学位