| 孔祥雯 学院:农业与农村发展学院 职称:师资博士后 邮箱:xwkong@ruc.edu.cn
[1] Metin Çakir*; Xiangwen Kong; Clare Cho; Alexander Stevens; Rural Food Retailing and Independent Grocery Retailer Exits, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2020, 102(5): 1352-1367.
[2] Pamela Smith; Xiangwen Kong*; Intellectual Property Rights and Trade: The Exceptional Case of GMOs, The World Economy, 2021, published on 2 Sept 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.13194.
[3] Chengyan Yue*; Manlin Cui; Xiangwen Kong; Eric Watkins; Mike Barnes ; Landscape Irrigation
and Water Conservation in Urban Areas: An Analysis of Information-based Strategies, HortTechnolog
y, 2022, 32(2): 213-225.
[4] Xiangwen Kong; Liufang Su; Heng Wang; Huanguang Qiu*; Agricultural carbon footprint and food security: An assessment of multiple carbon mitigation strategies in China, China Agricultural Economic Review, Accepted.
Selected Working Papers:
[1] Do People Care about Others’ Contribution to Public Goods? An Estimate Based on Inequity Aversion Model
[2] The Effectiveness of Intertemporal Water Restrictions: A Perspective from Consumer Strategy Model
[3] Heterogeneous Consumer Preferences for Hydroponic Lettuce Irrigated with Reclaimed Water
2021 应用经济学博士,食品、农业和自然资源科学学院,美国明尼苏达大学双城校区(University of Minnesota Twin Cities)
2015 应用经济学,理学学士,食品、农业和自然资源科学学院,美国明尼苏达大学双城校区(University of Minnesota Twin Cities)